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Keeping up with the Techies #1 - Week of Feb 9th, 2024

Published: at 10:22 PM

Well gang, another week in tech & software with more AI news than can fit in my brain. Here’s the highlights:

And finally…. SAM ALTMAN IS TRYING TO RAISE A 7 TRILLION (with a T) investment fund to build a new AI chip company (Source: I literally can’t get anyone on the internet to give me $7 let alone $7T so maybe we’re just built different if you know what I mean. Not sure what this would mean for the likes of Nvidia, AMD, TSMC, Intel or others (like Taiwan), but this wasn’t quite the timeline I expected. But hats off to you Sam, go big or go home.

Mr Rob here summing it up better than I ever could. ![[Pasted image 20240209215943.png]]Anyway it’s getting quite late for me and I’ve still got some laundry to move and a dog to let out. In the future I’m hoping I’ll have a few more good finds from the week like cool GitHub repos, ProductHunt or HackerNews launches that are noteworthy, heaven forbid maybe something I’m building too, we’ll see.

First newsletter, be gentle.

Here’s some weekend inspiration for you courtesy of Mr. Rubin. ![[Pasted image 20240209221443.png]]Thanks for hanging out dear reader. Stay lazy.